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Physiotherapy massage

Physiotherapy Massage is a form of massage that goes deep and relieves the tensions that may exist in your muscles. It is also used frequently to prevent tension in the muscle tissue due to stress and uniform work.

During Physiotherapy massage, I am dressed and you have panties on. I use a sheet to partially cover you during treatment.

I use the trigger points as a part of the Physiotherapy massage. Here I work with “tension-/trigger points” on the body, either by pressure or extention of the muscle with an active trigger point.

Physiotherapy massage addresses to you who has, among other things, shoulder-/neck problems, iskiasproblems, headache, mouse arm e.g..

It also helps to purge the system and to remove toxic debris. In addition to a larger movement in the body and its parts.

Physiotherapy massage gives incredible physical and mental wellbeing.

[box type=”alert” style=”rounded”]I expect that you are freshly washed before treatment.[/box] [box type=”alert”] Please indicate whether you have special physical /mental conditions and / or you take medication that may have significance for the massage.[/box]
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