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Aromatic Bath / Tantra Basic Massage

In a life and a society in which there are many demands on appearance and performance and we are exposed to noise, pollution and other overloads, we often develop mechanisms to adapt, adjust or protect ourselves.

Although the body has a great adaptability, it can be affected by stress, illness, pain, depression, etc., which are signals that it needs to let go and get care!

Through (body) therapy you can get in touch with your deepest cores and trigger points, which throughout life are printed in your body and soul. You can learn to be more aware of and interpret the language your body speaks, even before it sends serious signals.

When you are relaxed, your physical, sensual and sexual body swing in perfect harmony and you experience more peace, relief and presence as well as a circulating life energy and an open mind…like a newborn!

The Aromatic Bath puts your senses on hold! The stillness creates room for you to enter into your deepest core: pain, frustration, imbalance … longing, love, empathy … the meaning of life and the place or mission you have in it!

Sensia provides an Aromatic a bath with warm water in which is added some Epsom salt and eteric oils. You just lean back and enjoy the warm silky water (like a fetus in the womb) and life free of overloaded senses.

This allows you to achieve a deep, happy dwelling relaxation mode, where worries and pains float away while your body and soul operate in harmony.

There has been a lot of research on aroma therapy and confirmed that it not only relieves stress incredibly well, but also sooths and heals people with physical and mental pain or discomfort, both chronic or acute.

The Aromatic Bath has also positive effects on:

  • Stress relaxation
  • Muscle pain
  • Arthritis
  • Chronic pain
  • Fatigue Fertility
  • High blood pressure
  • Migraine
  • Jet lag
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Back and neck pain
  • Depression
  • Premenstrual tension
  • Post-natal depression
  • Post-traumatic stress
  • Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Sensia offers combined Aromatic Bath / Tantra Basic Massage. This combination offers a fantastic way to go deep and be in touch, which provides various experiences of being reborn!

If you need to let go and rediscover your core, then give yourself this gift: to float in silence and be embraced, touched and held in a caring massage.

Welcome to Sensia’s Aromatic Bath / Tantra Basic Massage, both for men and women!

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